Electronic vs. Paper Books

Which one is better?              

Why should you go for electronic books? Why should you go for regular books?

Have you ever waited impatiently for a book you've desperately wanted for months? It's all happened to us at some point, whether the book in question is a prospect handbook or the latest addition to this new series you got hooked on several months prior.

When it finally comes out, you have to wait in traffic on your way
to the nearest Barnes and Nobles. After the long and tedious ride to the book store, you can finally get your book. But what if the book is out of sale, due to the fact that everybody else managed to snag it off the shelf before you? And even if it isn't, there's that line you have to wait through in order to purchase the novel. It takes a long time before you can finally, finally, start reading.

With an electronic book, you don't ahve to go through the whole process. You can simply click a button, and the book will be right there in your inventory, ready to read. The thing about electronic books is they freeze and break easily. They also don't have that feeling that comes with a book, like the sensation of the pages beneath your finger tips, as well as that new book smell that comes after a trip to the bookstore.

In the end, it is based on your personal preference.

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